Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rose Spirit


STR 30 | AGI 40 | CON 60 | DEX 40 | INT 90 | SEN 70

เลเวลเริ่มต้น: 100
เกราะประเภท: Robe
เครื่องประดับ: ทั่วไป
วิธีได้มา: Lyndon Box

สกิลติดตัว: Tierra Fertil

ความเร็วในการฟื้นคืน HP และ SP เพิ่มขึ้น มีผล 20 วินาที
ระยะ 9m | กว้าง 40m | จำนวน 5 เป้าหมาย | เล็งพื้น
ร่าย 1.198 วินาที | คูลดาวน์ 30 วินาที | ดีเลย์ 3.73 วินาที | SP 300 | ใช้ลูกแก้วโบราณ 5 ลูก

สแตนส์พิเศษ: Floresta
อาวุธ: กำไลลอร์ด + กำไลลอร์ด
กระสุนประเภท: Psychic Sphere
วิธีได้มา: เรียนแล้วเมื่อสร้าง
อื่นๆ: โจมตีบนอากาศได้ | สกิลทุกสกิลสามาถโจมตีบนอากาศได้ | การโจมตีและสกิลโจมตีทุกอันถือว่าเป็นเวทมนย์
สกิล :
  • เลเวล 5 Raiz Rodia
  • เลเวล 10 Floral Breeze
  • เลเวล 15 Floral Twister
  • เลเวล 20 Aqui Mantara
  • เลเวล 25 Rose Heart
  • ความเร็วในการโจมตี +10%
  • การฟื้นตัว SP +35
  • ค่าทะลุ 10+10
  • ต้านทานการโจมตีระยะไกล +10%
  • ต้านทานการโจมตีเวทมนย์ -10%
  • ต้านทานดีบัฟ -10% 

Raiz Rodia

เรียกรากจากใต้ดินมาโจมตีศัตรู มีโอกาศที่รากจพตรึงศัตรูไว้กับพื้น
ระยะ 10m | กว้าง 6m| จำนวน 6 เป้าหมาย | เล็งพื้น
ร่าย 1.716 วินาที | คูลดาวน์ 10 วินาที | ดีเลย์ 1.26 วินาที | SP 200 | ใช้ลูกแก้วโบราณ 5 ลูก
เกราะเบา 110% | เกราะหนัง 100% | เกราะหนัก 100%
เลเวล 10: แรง 720% | มีโอกาศ 100% ที่ศัตรูจะติดสถานะ [รากตรึง]
[รากตรึง] - ขยับไม่ได้และ HP จะลดลงเรื่อยๆ ศัตรูที่ลอยอยู่ จะถูกตรึงที่พื้น

Floral Breeze

ระยะ 15m | กว้าง 40องศา | จำนวน 12 เป้าหมาย | เล็งพื้น
ร่าย 1.452 วินาที | คูลดาวน์ 15 วินาที | ดีเลย์ 3.834 วินาที | SP 300 | ใช้ลูกแก้วโบราณ 15 ลูก
เกราะเบา 100% | เกราะหนัง 110% | เกราะหนัก 100%
เลเวล 10: แรง 1650%

Floral Twister

ระยะ 7m รอบตัวเอง | จำนวน 12 เป้าหมาย | ทำให้เป้าหมายล้มลง
ร่าย 0 วินาที | คูลดาวน์ 20 วินาที | ดีเลย์ 6.435 วินาที | SP 550 | ใช้ลูกแก้วโบราณ 12 ลูก
เกราะเบา 100% | เกราะหนัง 110% | เกราะหนัก 120%
เลเวล 10: แรง 2600%

Aqui Mantara

เรียกมันทาระมาช่วยต่อสู้ หากอยู่ไกลเกินจาก Rose Spirit มันทาระจะเฉาตาย
ร่าย 0 วินาที | คูลดาวน์ 20 วินาที | ดีเลย์ 5.397 วินาที | SP 600 | ใช้ลูกแก้วโบราณ 1 ลูก
เกราะเบา 110% | เกราะหนัง 100% | เกราะหนัก 100%
ความสามารถของมันทาระขึ้นอยู่กับเลเวลของสกิลและ INT ของ Rose Spirit

Rose Heart

เรียกหัวใจแห่งโรสมาช่วยต่อสู้ หากอยู่ไกลเกินจาก Rose Spirit หัวใจของโรสจะเฉาตาย
ร่าย 1.716 วินาที | คูลดาวน์ 10 วินาที | ดีเลย์ 1.26 วินาที | SP 200 | ใช้ลูกแก้วโบราณ 5 ลูก
เกราะเบา 110% | เกราะหนัง 100% | เกราะหนัก 100%
ความสามารถของหัวใจแห่งโรสขึ้นอยู่กับเลเวลของสกิลและ INT ของ Rose Spirit 

Credit : BlueMoonWaltz

Friday, April 26, 2013

[JD Quest]

JD - Judgment Day

เควสที่ต้องผ่าน - Kielce Scenario (Laboratory Search)
วิธีเริ่มเควส - ย้ายมาแมพ Kielce 
สิ่งที่จำเป็น - ตัวละคร Raven และ Grace

1. เมื่อย้ายมาแมพ Kielce แล้ว เราจะได้รับเควสให้ไปคุยกับเคสที่ F2
2. เมื่อกดออกจากแมพนั้น เราจะเข้ามิชชั่นต่อสู้กับทหารเรท 61/61 และ 58/58 ฆ่าทหารทุกคนให้หมด
3. ไป L3 ของแมพ Kielce เพื่อเข้าสู่มิชชั่น

-----------------------  ต่อไปนี้ ต้องมีตัวละครแค่ Raven และ Grace -----------------------

4. ไป F2/F3 ของแมพ Kielce เพื่อเข้าสู่มิชชั่นต่อสู้ ในมิชชั่นนี้ เราจะสู้กับเจดี แต่เราไม่จำเป็นต้องฆ่าเขา แต่อย่าตายในมิชชั่น และวิ่งไปที่ D8 ของแมพมิชชั่น เพื่อเข้าสู่อีกมิชชั่น
5. คุยกับนายพล William ที่ F2 ของแมพ Kielce
6. ต่อไปนี้ จะต้องถามคำถามเกี่ยวกับที่อยู่ของ Kess และ Olivia กับทหาร5คน แต่ทหารในเมืองบางคนนั้น อยู่ฝ่ายของ Reynold เพราะฉนั้น หากไปคำถามนี้กับทหารที่ทรยศ Kess เราจะต้องเสียเงินเป็นจำนวน 5m วิส เพื่อเป็นค่าปิดปาก จะมีทหาร3ชนิด ทหารที่ช่วย Kess จะมี5คน ทหารที่ช่วย Reynold และทหารที่เป็นกลาง
วิธีดูว่าทหารคนไหนเป็นทหารที่อยู่ฝ่าย Kess ต้องอ่านการพูดของทหารแต่ละคน หากตอนคุยกับทหาร แล้วทหารพูดว่า "Hey, what's up?" แปลว่าทหารคนนี้เป็นกลาง ไม่จำเป็นต้องคุยต่อแล้ว
แต่หากพูดว่า "Hey...Ah, it's you!" แปลว่าทหารคนนี้ เป็นได้ทั้งผู้ช่วย และคนทรยศ ถ้าเจอทหารที่พูดแบบนี้แล้ว ให้ถามคำถามไปอีก2ข้อ ละเขาจะตอบได้3แบบ
1. พูดแนวสนับสนุน Kess แปลว่าทหารคนนี้เป็นผู้ช่วย ให้ถามคำถามที่3เลย จะมีบรรทัดแนว "The Three Year War wound hasn't healed yet" หรือ "Bristia needs to be an autonomous state" แนวๆนี้
2. พูดแนวไม่ชอบครอบครัวเรา หรือเห็นด้วยกับ Vespanola เช่น "Bristia has become better because of Vespanola" หรือ "Pioneer families like you and thieves...." ถ้าตอบเช่นนี้ ให้กดยกเลิกเลย
3. ถ้าพูดว่า "I can't answer that" ให้กดยกเลิก ละถามอีกรอบจนกว่าจะได้คำตอบอื่น
C9/D9 จะมี Guard 4 คน
E7 จะมี Guard 2 คน
E8 จะมี Manager 1 คน
L3 จะมี Guard  2 คน
J6 จะมี Guard 2 คน
J10 จะมี Guard 2 คน
E3/F3 จะมี Guard 3 คน
G7 จะมี Guard 2 คน
G2/H2 จะมี Guard 2คน

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Time Paradox

Good day, the master has finally returned after a year of brutal physical labor and is glad to finally be back.

First thing the master noticed is that, the faction has become a lot more quiet, and the leader seems to be busy with something and is AFKing most of the time. But enough life story, let's get on to the family's progress!

The family managed to recruit lots of new people in their ranks! The easiest character is Raven, which is the cheapest to manage. He was named Fiachra which means raven in Gaelic. His Croisement is extremely useful and very cheap since it is free! The family uses him to train new characters in El Ruina de Memoria.

Next up is Ion Felipe's turn! His quest is very short, but extremely extremely time consuming, the family took 4 days to complete the 3 pieces alone! Once that is done, we still have one more tedious quest to do, and that is to collect the Rare Books, which the master neglected to collect before hand and took 1 whole week to collect all 150 Books. But the family is very happy although his maintenance is very expensive, he is very strong and will be a great asset to the family.

One of the more interesting character is the Red Haired Swordsman. Getting her quest is extremely annoying as the master is a complete noob when it comes to high level raids, and through herp a derp run, the master reached 4th floor of Clock Tower (by leeching keke)

"My name is Mai, and my specialty is being useless!!" - Helen (named after the Troy princess)

The family is finally able to move along the quest now that the most annoying part is done, next stop, Lucifer Castle! But before going there, a little scene with Montoro and his decepticon.

While navigating through Lucifer Castle, Hecate couldn't take in the beautiful scenery without her hormones getting the better of her and starts flirting with Arata right in the middle of the garden.

"That's right, kiss my hand you sexy peasant! Now then, prepare your c-" - Hecate being horny right in the center of hordes of dangerous gehcos

After the master was able to pull Hecate to her senses, the family ventured further into the castle itself, oblivious to the dangers inside. Then in the long hallway, the family encountered a familiar face, the Red Haired Fighter, whom the master has been wishing that she'll be recruitable.

"Is that the whore who's been attacking you, my dear sex slave? Good, I'll teach her not to mess with other people's pets!" - Hecate declaring her ownership, slightly scaring Arata in the process

After managing to flee from her, the family faced hordes and hordes of extremely strong monsters who guard the secret of this castle, but alas, even the mightiest of mighty forces can not stop the family from uncovering Montoro's whereabouts!

"Why am I even here? I just wanna go back home and spend some alone time together with Allegretto, why does Hecate always drag me along with her? She's scaring me ToT" - Arata thinking to himself, otherwise Hecate would mince him

After many brutal fights with the castle minions, it is finally time to face off with Montoro and his puppet Perteo. The fight was unbelievably easy, Montoro barely managed to deal us any damage, and he soon fell down. We finally learned the truth behind the Red Haired Swordsman, Grandies and was introduced to the 'Black Lightning'.

"Who is that? So powerful! I must convince her to join our family, the master will definitely be happy and maybe he'll 'reward' me kekeke" - Arata being lost in his own little world

"DUKE!!!" - Titania (Grandies, named after the queen of the fairies) 
"Lady, please! I told you I'm his son! And why are you gripping me so hard!?" - Boreas (Ion, named after Greek god of the north wind) 
"Master, please tell me these 2 idiots aren't joining our family..." Fiachra, being the only sane one

The family is also starting on finishing leftover quests, such as Castilla exploring, and gaining Adriana's trust. The family recruited Bondye (M'Boma, named after the god of voodoo) just so that he could one day meet his sister, whom he told us about.

"Mhmm, Panfilo's ... meat? That sounds good..." Arata witnessing the hilarious scene with M'Boma

Here's a bonus from the master, this is secretly why Arata is into men rather than women, it's his trauma.

"Damn, women are scary! I hope Catherine isn't like these flesh clad terminators" - Boreas

Here is Arata taking a picture with 2 unmentioned characters, cam whore Arata is a cam whore.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Time Warp

Hello peeps!
The master went ahead and totally forgot about us again! He was so excited that he got the chance for an interview as an exchange student to Sweden. How nice, I wanna go with master as well, sigh.

A little update on the family, a lot has happened in the past few weeks. Lots of members reached Masters, Expert or Veteran. Although HPS ran out, and the *100% is gone, the family won't falter!

Here is Soteira reaching Masters through Expert G cards, even though she wasn't stimulated and has yet to have Death Chopping stance.

"For my master, my daggers will always be ready!" - Soteira

Ianuaria also reached Masters by leeching off normal mobs at Sacred Chaos Requiem. Hephaestus also maxed out Masters with her. She doesn't have Enhanced Tactics yet, even though she is expert stimulated

"I'll be useful, please don't send me back to Joaquin!" - Ianuaria speeding her level process

The family also recruited lots of new members, like Andromeda (Claire, named after a greek princess), Actaeon (Lorch, named after a greek hero), Orion (Male Musketeer, named after a greek huntsman), and Megaera (Selva, named after one of the Erinyes, the grudging).

Currently, Andromeda and Actaeon are training at Topolo Durga along with Vicky, the leveling is going by smoothly, for Actaeon's Gigantic Blaster is very useful. All 3 are currently Veteran 2.

Orion decided to train with Eir, and both reach Expert 2 in no time. Orion's Outrage Shot proved extremely potent. It will be for a while before both of them get their Expert Stances and getting stimulated. The master is currently bankrupt.

Megaera stopped at level 100, she insists on waiting for her "lover". Me and Allegretto are dying to know, we just love gossip!

Calypso and Cerridwen decided to train themselves as well, Cerridwen will surely be useful for her Occult Magic and Assistance. Calypso just couldn't stand by and tagged along to protect her from hordes of mobs. Currently they are both Expert 6, and Cerridwen learned Assistance.

The family tried to recruit the granny of the new world by trying to obtain Viscount Ring through Refined Key of the Dead they got through Bounty Hunter missions, we have yet to find any rings.

The faction had lots of events the past few weeks, most of them are faction raids, and friendly pvp. We enjoy Castilla raids the most, a lot of our members are getting lots of EXP leeching our factionmates, teehee. But not me! I try to be very useful! I'm the tank of the group occasionally!
We took many photos along the way as a souvenir as well!

"These...biceps! I can't stand it anymore, put it in me!" - Hecate whoring herself with Arata.
"Miss Hecate! Obviously, he loves loli like me, so back off bitch!" - Ianuaria fighting for her man
"Ladies, please, I belong only to the master! And occasionally Allegretto" - Arata

Tempest! The faction failed the first round for there are only 5 families, and most are only Veterans.

"Damn, look at that badass armor! Arata, it'd look so good on you!" - Allegretto being absolutely right

The family realizing that their DPS was miniscule, so we decided to bring the support team. I had to sit out this time, Tempest is too strong to be tanked by me *cries*

"We won't fail! As long as we 3 stand here, none shall die!" - Resuscitation trio

"Why do I have to do this alone!! No... it's okay... the master believes in me, so I'll try my best to lure the boss away from the group!" - Arata trying to cope with his loneliness

The family started attending Bounty Hunter missions now, the family is slowly going bankrupt, so they need all the vis they can get. The family wants that Veteran Promotion Scrolls!

"This is hardly worth my time" - Megaera being completely badass

"Miss Andromeda, please do be careful!" - Actaeon being all gentlemanly

The faction had a little get together, I dare say, I look dashing here!

"You're all blocking the view of the magnificent me! The camera loves me, it wants me!" Arata being a cam whore as always


"Is... is this a dream!?" - The bedazzled trio

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Chivalric Knights to the Rescue!

This week, the faction announced a faction event, where the members will participate in various raids together. Tempted by that, the master hurriedly master Hecate by powerleveling her in Ancient Castilla alone and some Expert Cards. She managed to reach Master about an hour before the appointment.

"Time to shank a bitch!" - Hecate

And what's a master Hecate for, if it isn't for this beauty?

Arata looking absolutely fabulous, being the only tanker for the faction's raid

And with a now Master Hecate, what else should the family do? The family contemplated for a short while and realized they have yet any loli in the family for they sold Claire into adultery. Up they go to Joaquin to free the S&M princess, Valeria. The first part of the room was surprisingly easy with Hecate, for none of the mobs could attack her @_@ Spell Beads FTW!!

"Ohohoho, my feet shall never touch the ground" - Hecate

And off the family go to meet to bondage princess

"I just know she likes it kinky" - Arata

The first boss proved to be a little of a nuisance, that is until Hecate realized she doesn't need to get up close to use her skills, letting Arata do the tanking, the family downed the boss in 3 minutes.


The family died at the boss once, and had to return, the second round, the family ran out of potions, so they left Tormento hanging. It took some time for Hecate to get used to the boss' AoE, and with Arata's Crusader and Progressive Healer, the boss isn't hard. Only the damaging part proves a bit of a challenge.

"850k HP, bitch please" - Hecate

The boss went down some 10 minutes later, chipping its HP is no trouble, but the Biomen it released near its death proved to be quite a challenge, the family took around 5 minutes to clear all the mobs.

We've only got 2 minutes to save the wor- Valeria!

"Oh yeah!" - Allegretto being semi-pansy, only buffing this time

"Fuck yeah!" - Arata

The family took her to the Royalist's headquater, where Ianuaria hoped for a tearful encounter, but Bitchy McBitch Gabriella doesn't recognize her and chased us out. What a bitch?

"Don't peek up my skirt okay? Teehee. Did you just check out my panties?" - Ianuaria (Valeria, named after the Greek goddess of healing)

Hephaestus decided to train the little princess along with the Circus Mage Cerridwen (Hellena, named after the Welsh enchantress) in Rion Dungeon Hollow, but reaching level 67, the family realized they could train these 2 anytime, but Hikaru and Brynhildr needs to reach master soon, and with HPS' duration lasting only for 4 more days, off they go to Ancient Castilla.

"You should change your panties, Ms. Cerridwen. Men like panties like mine, kinky yet cute" - Ianuaria

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Abolish slavery

The family trained Arata and Allegretto with Hephaestus in Ancient Castilla again, and this time, Allegretto maxed out his Enhanced Tactics. Finally, he'll be able to join Arata in killing mobs.

Arata also got a new toy, a Crusader stance book! The stance was so awesome that Arata and the gang decided to try liberating the slave, Torsche. The path to her wasn't easy, for they need to complete Holy Water Chambers quest, but that proved to be no threat with Hephaestus' turrets, Arata's blocking, and Allegretto's criticalling and paralyzing.

The family will have to thank pretty boy Lorch for helping them, sorry for selling you into slavery T_T

"Whatcha gonna do 'bout it, Montoro?" - Arata

After that, the family went back to the barracks, rummaging through their vaults, and found Rikku lying there with the dusts. So after polishing the doll, the family went to Dr. Torsche's mansion, unbeknownst to them of the dangers awaiting for them.

"No one can kill batman" - Catherine

The quest was very hard, the mobs there uses magic that pierces through Arata's Crusader and it hurted him D:
The hardest part was getting Rikku to a safe spot without dying, it took the family 7 tries until they could set up a barricade by the stairs. After that, it was Arata running amok, aggroing mobs with his Defiant Aura and Provoke into Hephaestus' turrets of doom. 6 minutes passed by, and the dolls noticed the dangers of the intruders and alerted Montoro, and by 12 minutes, he sent out Torsche to annihilate the family. Too bad for her, she will never get pass Arata and his Provoke, allowing Hephaestus' turrets to do the killing. The fight with Torsche lasted around 10 minutes where she finally gave in.

No! You shall be my first female sex slave!

After saving her with the Holy Water, she finally joined the family!

Torsche's smile is brimming with happiness

And here is her, training with Artemisia to level 100.

Soteira (Torsche, the greek word for Savior) is now level 102 along with Hecate. But she will sit on the bench soon, for the master is in dire need of Hecate's help, and she needs to reach Master soon.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Craziness in the night

Allegretto was smiling, beaming with content because of his new toy the master bought for him to elevate his mood.

"Thank you master! My mind and body from the strand of my hair to my feet belongs to you!" - Allegretto squealing

Training the stance however, is a whole other story. Allegretto had a hard time keeping himself from barging into mobs, forgetting that he isn't wearing any knives. The stance leveling goes by very slowly, but he was content reaching to level 20, gaining the Shooting Enhancement skill.

The master was bored grinding in Ancient Castilla all day long, he requested that we go recruit some new members, preferably a magic user this time. Well, when "magic" is mentioned, we can only think of the sexy Reckless Emilia. However, the path to the mad lady was paved with thorns and hardship. But, the master won't give up, despite hearing how time consuming and difficult the MMA quest is. Me, Allegretto and Hephaestus head to Gertrude to recruit him, to start the questline. After that, it was time to start the massacre. The mobs proved to be very incompetent, even with the extremely weak equips the master bought for us.

"This... is the guy that will teach me my ultimate stance?" - Allegretto

"Could you imagine him being this so called "Fritz"? Why is he so weak? You better not get us involved in some scam, Allegretto" - Arata

So then, the family decided to allow Sherlock (Gertrude Peterson) to join our family, only to be used to "persuade" Emilia to calm down. Off we go to the skank's laboratory! The master was a bit skeptical about confronting her, wasn't her rates 69!? But, what's this?

"Young 'un, you act as the bait while I build them turrets, k?" - Hephaestus ordering a slightly shaking Arata

The fight proved to be incredibly easy, for bitchy Emilia didn't use a single on us. Victory!

"Believe it, dattebayo!" - Sherlock ninja-ing himself from harm

The bitch finally calmed down

"Move out of the way, it's my turn!" - Hecate

While doing Hellena's quest, the master just couldn't hold it in with Artemisia (Ania, named after a queen warrior) impersonating Captain Obvious.

I want to be a fasionista >.< I'm bored of Zephyranthes, I want Capitaine set, wahh!! No one is willing to sell theirs, I'll have to pester master later.

"Come on, am I hot or what?" - Arata flaunting his sexiness