Thursday, April 5, 2012

Time Warp

Hello peeps!
The master went ahead and totally forgot about us again! He was so excited that he got the chance for an interview as an exchange student to Sweden. How nice, I wanna go with master as well, sigh.

A little update on the family, a lot has happened in the past few weeks. Lots of members reached Masters, Expert or Veteran. Although HPS ran out, and the *100% is gone, the family won't falter!

Here is Soteira reaching Masters through Expert G cards, even though she wasn't stimulated and has yet to have Death Chopping stance.

"For my master, my daggers will always be ready!" - Soteira

Ianuaria also reached Masters by leeching off normal mobs at Sacred Chaos Requiem. Hephaestus also maxed out Masters with her. She doesn't have Enhanced Tactics yet, even though she is expert stimulated

"I'll be useful, please don't send me back to Joaquin!" - Ianuaria speeding her level process

The family also recruited lots of new members, like Andromeda (Claire, named after a greek princess), Actaeon (Lorch, named after a greek hero), Orion (Male Musketeer, named after a greek huntsman), and Megaera (Selva, named after one of the Erinyes, the grudging).

Currently, Andromeda and Actaeon are training at Topolo Durga along with Vicky, the leveling is going by smoothly, for Actaeon's Gigantic Blaster is very useful. All 3 are currently Veteran 2.

Orion decided to train with Eir, and both reach Expert 2 in no time. Orion's Outrage Shot proved extremely potent. It will be for a while before both of them get their Expert Stances and getting stimulated. The master is currently bankrupt.

Megaera stopped at level 100, she insists on waiting for her "lover". Me and Allegretto are dying to know, we just love gossip!

Calypso and Cerridwen decided to train themselves as well, Cerridwen will surely be useful for her Occult Magic and Assistance. Calypso just couldn't stand by and tagged along to protect her from hordes of mobs. Currently they are both Expert 6, and Cerridwen learned Assistance.

The family tried to recruit the granny of the new world by trying to obtain Viscount Ring through Refined Key of the Dead they got through Bounty Hunter missions, we have yet to find any rings.

The faction had lots of events the past few weeks, most of them are faction raids, and friendly pvp. We enjoy Castilla raids the most, a lot of our members are getting lots of EXP leeching our factionmates, teehee. But not me! I try to be very useful! I'm the tank of the group occasionally!
We took many photos along the way as a souvenir as well!

"These...biceps! I can't stand it anymore, put it in me!" - Hecate whoring herself with Arata.
"Miss Hecate! Obviously, he loves loli like me, so back off bitch!" - Ianuaria fighting for her man
"Ladies, please, I belong only to the master! And occasionally Allegretto" - Arata

Tempest! The faction failed the first round for there are only 5 families, and most are only Veterans.

"Damn, look at that badass armor! Arata, it'd look so good on you!" - Allegretto being absolutely right

The family realizing that their DPS was miniscule, so we decided to bring the support team. I had to sit out this time, Tempest is too strong to be tanked by me *cries*

"We won't fail! As long as we 3 stand here, none shall die!" - Resuscitation trio

"Why do I have to do this alone!! No... it's okay... the master believes in me, so I'll try my best to lure the boss away from the group!" - Arata trying to cope with his loneliness

The family started attending Bounty Hunter missions now, the family is slowly going bankrupt, so they need all the vis they can get. The family wants that Veteran Promotion Scrolls!

"This is hardly worth my time" - Megaera being completely badass

"Miss Andromeda, please do be careful!" - Actaeon being all gentlemanly

The faction had a little get together, I dare say, I look dashing here!

"You're all blocking the view of the magnificent me! The camera loves me, it wants me!" Arata being a cam whore as always


"Is... is this a dream!?" - The bedazzled trio

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